Google is preparing to conquer a new dimension: the stratosphere.
The Internet giant is releasing 30 high-tech balloons in a trial of technology
designed to bring the Internet to places where people are not yet connected.
The balloons are being sent up into the sky from New Zealand's
South Island this month in the first trial of a pioneering system dubbed
Project Loon.
According to Google, "Project Loon is a network of balloons
traveling on the edge of space, designed to connect people in rural and remote
areas, help fill coverage gaps, and bring people back online after
Google estimates that two-thirds of the global population is
without fast, affordable Internet access. So while it sounds like something
from the realms of science fiction, if successful, the project could make a
difference to many people around the world.
The testers are from Christchurch and parts of Canterbury, New
Zealand, and the test balloons will fly around the 40th parallel south, Google